Okay, so we moved back to Georgia and July and I haven't blogged the first thing about it. Sorry. We have been so crazy busy with the whole moving and adjusting process, until I have been way too overwhelmed to think about blogging much less to actually sit down and blog. But, here I am.
Because so much has happened since we arrived, I am just going to give you a brief list of highlights of what's been going on:
1) A family Disney cruise in July
2) Lots of time with family and friends
3) Mea taking swim lessons and Lily in gymnastics
4) Joining and participating in a local homeschool support group with other Christian families
5) Mandy being able to restart her Arbonne business
6) Jared happily fitting right back in at KPMG Atlanta
7) A quick trip to the beach in Florida
8) Attending and/or watching UGA games with friends
Will TRY to post more updates again soon..................