Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Fun with Honey

Jared's mom, known around here as 'Honey', is staying with us for about three weeks, and to get her trip off to a good start we decided to take a Saturday daytrip to Colmar, France. Beautiful little town in the Alsace region of France only about 2 hours by train from Zurich. We were blessed with wonderful weather, good food, and for the most part, happy little girls. Enjoy the pictures and check back often to see where else we visit with Honey.

Ballerina Doll

When I was a little girl, I had a battery operated ballerina doll that would kick out one leg and spin on her tip-toes (or on point or whatever) when you pressed the knob on the top of her head. Now I have a real ballerina doll who loves to dance and spin and show off her new found skills. (Too bad I can't take out her batteries when I need a rest!!) Anyway, Mea is loving her dance class and enjoys the time with the other little girls while I get to enjoy watching her grow and mature on so many levels. How sweet!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Busy Days

Now that we are all settled into our new apartment in Horgen, our days have starting filling up with all sorts of fun things. For example, just last week we had Mea's dance class on Tuesday, Bambino's Indoor playroom with Moms-N-Tots on Wednesday morning, dinner with Kacey and the Coys Wednesday night, a housewarming on Thursday evening, Predigerkirche Vespers and dinner on Friday night and a Saturday morning breakfast picnic in Einsiedeln. Whew!!! Even though it was a great week, I can honestly say that too many days jammed that full of activities can really wear a mommy out! Anyway, here are some pictures from our Saturday morning breakfast picnic. I hope you enjoy! And, yes, Lily was there too, we just didn't get too many pictures of her out of the stroller!