When I was a little girl, I had a battery operated ballerina doll that would kick out one leg and spin on her tip-toes (or on point or whatever) when you pressed the knob on the top of her head. Now I have a real ballerina doll who loves to dance and spin and show off her new found skills. (Too bad I can't take out her batteries when I need a rest!!) Anyway, Mea is loving her dance class and enjoys the time with the other little girls while I get to enjoy watching her grow and mature on so many levels. How sweet!
The ballerina doll is still in storage. We will dig it out and pass it onto Mea Ballerina. W&W in Hopeful.
I want a ballerina doll, well not just any doll. I want the Mea ballerina doll. Please send her soon!
Just like WVS to know the whereabouts of the doll. I remember it too. I must say, though, that the dolls I want most to see are Mea and Lily. Bring them on home to me.
The Big W in Hopeful.
Its beautiful over there. Bring some of it home with you. The operative action being that you hae to come home to bring it home. Kiss the kids for me. Love Miss J (you know who)
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