Jared's mom, known around here as 'Honey', is staying with us for about three weeks, and to get her trip off to a good start we decided to take a Saturday daytrip to Colmar, France. Beautiful little town in the Alsace region of France only about 2 hours by train from Zurich. We were blessed with wonderful weather, good food, and for the most part, happy little girls. Enjoy the pictures and check back often to see where else we visit with Honey.
I wish I could be there, but I love having fish that snap and Gnome's that are great to keep me up to date.
Sorry that this is the first time I've checked out the blog. I love the site and the girls look great. Oh, by the way, I remember that ballerina with the dark brown hair and the kicking leg...if you ever do figure out how to "remove the batteries" make sure to publish the directions.
Uncle D
Hi Mandy, I linked through your comment on Mom's photo at the bentonfamilyblog to your blog. I read about your sojourn in Europe. I guess we've been "out of the loop." Didn't know you were so far from home. Sounds exciting! Are you just touring or did employment send you there? At any rate, we'll keep you and your family's safety in prayer and also pray for the sale of your US property.
Additional item--
Something has happened to the blog site you set up for the Benton family. Now, when I go to blogger.com and try to sign on, it indicates that there is no such account called "bentonfamilyblog" and am, therefore, unable to sign in. I can get to the site by using the bentonfamilyreunion info but there is no way to add posts or comments there because the username "bentonfamilyblog" is now invalid and the password "benton10" doesn't work. I'm also noticing that everything now indicates that it was posted by Keith Lairsey. Am I wrong or has something "malfunctioned" or did we techno-phobes mess up???!!
Thanks--and safe, pleasureable journeys!
Hi Mandy,
Me again--
I forgot to tell you how beautiful your children are, how handsome your husband is, and how your "sideshot" so much favors your mom (20 yrs ago! I know she'll read this!!). I'm glad to have the opportunity to visit your family via the web!
Hi Billie,
Yes, one user kind of messed things up temporarily on the Benton blog, but I am in the process of getting it all back in order.
Glad you checked our blog. We are having a great time living in Europe. Jared is here with KPMG. I appreciate the sweet comments. Jared is a cutie and the girls are beautiful......but I am a little biased.
Hi Mandy,
I'll watch for the "in order" version of the family blog! Good luck!!!
Hi Mandy! It's the Godfreys! I didn't have your email address so thought I would drop a post here... Jack had a question for Jared. Would you ask Jared to email him at jago@facilitygroup.com with his email and/or phone number? We've been enjoying your blog! The girls are precious! Your pictures are great! -- Tiffany
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