Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Connect the dots, anyone?

Chicken pox season is here! Mea showed her first spots last Thursday and is all clear now, but as you can see from the picture taken on Tuesday (yesterday) Lily is covered. She woke up with a few more spots this morning, which means she is now covered from her head to her toes and everywhere in between! Each time I re-apply the anti-itch lotion, she gets chills and says, "Et dold, mommy, dold." (Translation: "It's cold, Mommy, cold.") We are are doing well, just ready for the bumps to vanish.......or at least get crusty. (Doesn't that sound delightful?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my little Pookie Bear! That mean dirty old chicken pocked sweet Lily! Good capture!