Sunday, February 03, 2008

Dog sledding in Switzerland

We heard there was a dog sledding race about a 45 min drive from our place so we bundled everybody up and hit the road. Here is a slide show of our adventure.

Hope you enjoyed our day with the sled dogs!!!


H. Pierre Schlomo Presley said...

Cool dogs, Kelsos.

Anonymous said...

Loved it. w&w

Anonymous said...

Hi Mandy, Haven't checked your blog in a long time. After the Benton blog seemed to lose contributors, I forgot about the "blog." Your mom reminded me that you know about "real snow" today when I was complaining about Illinois weather! And reminded me to check your blog.

At any rate, loved looking at your slide shows--didn't check all but checked enough to see what a wonderful experience you and your family have the opportunity to share. Experiences a lot of us can only dream about! Soak it all up for us back home!

Thanks for doing such a grand job of sharing it with your family and friends!

Billie Padgett